7 28 24 Shared Worship Service CHBC & FBC
07-28-2024 CHBC & FBC 10:30 AM Joint Worship Service| Dr. Mike Hatfield: “We are the Sheep, Jesus is the Shepherd”| Scriptures: John 10: 11-15 & Psalm 23 |Music: Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us, Good Shepherd of My Soul, God Will Make A Way, Follow On/Step by Step, My Shepherd Will Supply My Needs, Doxology, A Shepherd Psalm, All the Way My Savior Leads Me, Irish Toccata| Musicians – Rob Bailey: Organ, Piano| Baxter Jennings: Organ| Sanctuary Choirs – Vocals |David Cameron: Bass| Mike Hatfield: Guitar| Mike DeHart: Guitar | Livestream: Zach Ronspees | Projection, & Graphics: Jim Keene | Sound: Charles Lewis | May Not Be Rebroadcast Without Permission