초간단 식빵 튀김 🍞추억의 분식집 Fried bread
#식빵튀김#분식집#FriedBread 🌼바삭함에 빠져요 🙏좋아요 와 구독해 주실거죠? :) 🌼재료 식빵 4장, 튀김가루 한 컵, 물 한 컵, 설탕 반컵, 식용유 한 컵 🌼요리해요 1 볼에 튀김가루와 물을 넣어 섞어요 (묽어보이면 정상입니다 ) 2 식빵을 세모지게 잘라 튀김물에 적셔요 3 기름을 충분히 두른 팬에 식빵을 튀깁니다 (중불에서 앞 뒤로 노릇노릇) -한 면당 2분 정도 4 다 튀겨진 식빵을 모아두었다가 한 번 더 튀겨요! (바삭함에 빠지도록) 5 두 번 튀긴 식빵은 설탕을 묻혀 먹어요 6 정말 정말 굳 Fried bread 🌼 I'm into the crispness 🙏please, subscribe and like :) 🌼Cooking Ingredients 4 slices of bread, 1 cup of frying powder, 1 cup of water, half a cup of sugar, 1 cup of cooking oil 🌼Cooking 1 Add frying powder and water to the bowl and mix (it is normal if it looks thin) -Actually, it felt a bit thicker in the old restaurant:) 2 Cut bread into small pieces and soak them in tempura 3 Fry the bread in a pan with plenty of oil (Brown and forth from medium heat) -About 2 minutes per side 4 Save the fried bread and fry it once more! (To fall into the crispness) 5 Double fried bread is eaten with sugar 6 Really really Awesome