Opera singer STUNNED by Diana Ankudivona's EPIC voice. "Can't Help Falling..."

Opera singer STUNNED by Diana Ankudivona's EPIC voice. "Can't Help Falling..."

Could this singer with the epic voice transform the world of opera and bring it some much needed excitement? #dianaankudinova #dianaankudinovareaction [Subtitles in 11 languges....] Leave your comments and suggestions below. Link to original video:    • Diana Ankudinova - Can't help falling...   WILLIAM MORRIS Contact: Email: bangkokvoicecoach@gmail.com What'sApp: +353 85 2522366 Line: williaminthailand Qualifictions: B.A. in Music, King's College (University of London) Certificate of Voice Studies, Royal Academy of Music (London) Post-Graduate Diploma in Opera, Guildhall School of Music & Drama (London) Post-Graduate Diploma: National Opera Studio (London)