Opera singer STUNNED by Diana Ankudivona's EPIC voice. "Can't Help Falling..."
Could this singer with the epic voice transform the world of opera and bring it some much needed excitement? #dianaankudinova #dianaankudinovareaction [Subtitles in 11 languges....] Leave your comments and suggestions below. Link to original video: • Diana Ankudinova - Can't help falling... WILLIAM MORRIS Contact: Email: bangkokvoicecoach@gmail.com What'sApp: +353 85 2522366 Line: williaminthailand Qualifictions: B.A. in Music, King's College (University of London) Certificate of Voice Studies, Royal Academy of Music (London) Post-Graduate Diploma in Opera, Guildhall School of Music & Drama (London) Post-Graduate Diploma: National Opera Studio (London)