Homily from 2-25-2024 2nd Sunday of Lent B
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Homily from 2-25-2024 2nd Sunday of Lent B
Mass, Sunday at 1:00 PM (2/25/2024)
Second Sunday of Lent (B) | 2/25/2024
FPC Worship 2/25/2024 - 2nd in Lent
Trinity Episcopal Church, Apalachicola FL Livestream 2/25/2024 10:30 am (Second Sunday in Lent)
Feb. 25, 2024 service live-stream - Dying and Rising with Jesus - 2nd Sunday in Lent
2-25-2024 LUMC Service
The Second Sunday In Lent February 25, 2024
Second Sunday of Lent – Year B English Mass 9:00 AM 2/25/2024
Fr Miles Walsh's Homily | "Reparation to the Holy Face" | 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year B | 2/25/2024
St. Anthony's Catholic Church Holy Mass for 2nd Sunday in Lent, 2/25/2024, "Listen to Jesus!"