NEW!: How to Read a Sourdough Crumb: Underproofed or Overproofed?

NEW!: How to Read a Sourdough Crumb: Underproofed or Overproofed?

Is your sourdough underproofed or overproofed? Learn the skills required to READ your sourdough crumb. This video includes over 20 examples of actual loaves and teaches the skills of sourdough crumb reading. As part of my experiments over the last few years I have intentionally under and overproofed loaves to demonstrate variables in bulk fermentation. In this video, combine examples from many prior videos to show the continuum of fermentation and proofing on a sourdough crumb. DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE: HOW TO READ A SOURDOUGH CRUMB LINK TO THE "BULK-O-MATIC GUIDE" LINK TO OTHER VIDEOS REFERENCED: PRODUCTS USED IN MY VIDEOS: NEW WEBSITE: Chapters in this video: 0:00 Introduction 1:09 Factors Impacting the Crumb 2:39 How Sourdough Fermentation Works 4:59 Reading the Crumb: The 3 Criteria 8:36 5 Classic Examples 13:01 A Tour of 18 Loaves 19:52 Additional Tools: Videos 22:03 Additional Tools: Printable Guides