Live Daily Holy Eucharist | Daily Holy Mass | 6.15am Sat 16th Oct 2021 | St Joseph Church, Mira Road

Live Daily Holy Eucharist | Daily Holy Mass | 6.15am Sat 16th Oct 2021 | St Joseph Church, Mira Road

Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Holy Mass, 6.15 am, Saturday 16th October 2021 | St. Joseph Church, Mira Road. Saturday of the 28th week in ordinary time Year 1. Feast Memoria of St. Hedwig, rel.; Bl. Augustine Thervaraparambil (Kunjachan). priest, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin (Of the Sacred Heart of Jesus). Begins with Mass Intentions at 6.10 am, Holy Eucharist at 6.15 am, Followed by the Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. READINGS OF THE DAY: Romans 4: 13,16-18; Psalms 105:6-7,8-942-43;; Luke 12:8-12. Psalms Response: The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. Alleluia, Alleluia! Speak, Lord, your servant is listening: you have the message of eternal life. Alleluia!