Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Daily Mass at 6:15 am Mon 23rd Oct. 2023, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road
Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Daily Mass at 6:15 am Monday 29th October. 2023, Monday of the 27thWeek in Ordinary Time Year 1. Memorial Feast of St, Denis - Bishop, Martyr & Companions and St. John Leonard - Priest Begins with Mass Intention and the Angelus at 6:11am, Holy Eucharist at 6:15 am followed by the Novena to St. Joseph. During this Holy Eucharist, we pray for the following Intentions: +For the Souls of: for the souls of:- Flora Rodrigues, For all souls who have no pray for, Hilarian Vaz, Inas & Pascoal Fernandes, Vincent John Fernandes, Agnelo John Albuquerque, Irine & Ivan D’Cunha, Elizabeth & Kasmir Fernandes, Lucy D’Souza, Leo Lobo, Cashmiro Coutinho, Joseph Fernandes, Ditoza Fernandes. Thanksgiving Mass:- To Our Lady of Perpetual Succour by Cresilda Joseph & family. Birthday:- Dinesh