Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Daily Mass at 6:15 am Tue 24th Oct. 2023, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road
Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Daily Mass at 6:15 am Tuesday 24th October. 2023, Tues of the 29thWeek in Ordinary Time Year 1. Begins with Mass Intention and the Angelus at 6:11am, Holy Eucharist at 6:15 am followed by the Novena to St. Anthony. During this Holy Eucharist, we pray for the following Intentions: +For the Souls of: Sanjay Lawrence D’Costa, Vincent Rodricks, Anthony Joseph, Nicholas Fernandes, Santan & Anna, Francis Albuquerque, Rebello & family, Vankani family, All souls in purgatory, Celomi D’Mello, Bernard D’Sa, Leucadia D’Sa, For the salvation of Ancestral souls. Thanksgiving Mass:- To Sacred Heart of Jesus by Fatima Fernandes, To Holy Trinity by Shirley Shetty, To Sacred Heart of Jesus by Cresilda Joseph & family, To St. Anthony by Theresa Saldanha, For purchase of new house by Monto D’Penha. + Birthday’s:- Leon D’Souza, Daniel Davis, Anthony Mascarenhas, 60th Jannette D’Costa. Wedding Anniversary:- Anthony & Joanita Mascarenhas (36th anniversary)