Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Daily Mass at 6:15 am Thu 9th Nov. 2023, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road
Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Daily Mass at 6:15 am Thursday 9th November. 2023, Thursday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Year 1. Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. Begins with Mass Intention and the Angelus at 6:11am, Holy Eucharist at 6:15 am followed by the Novena to the Infant Jesus During this Holy Eucharist, we pray for the following Intentions: For the Souls of:- Philip D’Souza, Catherine Fernandes, Irene & Ivan D’Cunha, Marceline & John Pereira, Thereza Mathias, Diana Lobo, Thomas D’Souza, Gomes family, Xavier family, Maxim D’Souza, All souls in purgatory, Deceased members of Martins family, Priya Kanojia, Edgar Coelho, Paul Pascal Quadros. Thanksgiving Mass:- To Our Lady of Perpetual Succour by Xavier & family, To Infant Jesus & St. Jude by Christine Pinto. Wedding Anniversaries:- Marcel & Cecilia D’Silva – 20th, Stephen & Alankara Mary Chettiar – 40th