RBI Interest Rate Cut : Home Loan, Car loan EMI में इतने बचेंगे पैसे! Home Loan Calculator
#rbi #homeloan #loancalculator #emi #rbimpc #loanemi #reporate RBI Repo Rate cut Home Loan EMI: RBI ने करीब 5 सालों बाद Repo Rate में 0.25 फीसदी की कटौती की है... Repo Rate घटने से Home Loan, Car Loan, Personal Loan की EMI कितनी कम हो सकती है. जानने के लिए देखिए ये वीडियो. The RBI's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) cut the repo rate by 25 basis points to 6.25% from 6.5% earlier in a bid to reinstate the economic momentum by aiding consumption, a key lever for growth. The RBI Governor's speech mentioned the tax cuts in the Union Budget saying that the household consumption is expected to improve on the back of improving employment conditions, tax cuts along with moderating inflation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money9 - Personal Finance OTT APP Download now- https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Money9 Website- https://www.money9live.com/ Follow us on Social Media- Twitter- / money9live Facebook- / money9live Instagram- / money9live LinkedIn: / money9