You’re not worthy of your manifestation. Until… 🌀 🤲 | #manifesting #shorts

You’re not worthy of your manifestation. Until… 🌀 🤲 | #manifesting #shorts

Your manifestation process begins with love for self! 🫶 ♥️ You need to love yourself fully before you can become aligned with all that is waiting for you! 🔺 When we believe in ourselves, when we believe we are totally and sincerely deserving, we can then SHOW that we’re ready to receive our desires with open arms. ♦️ Let your love for yourself be the beacon that guides your manifestations to reality in the 3D world! —- #SelfLove #manifestation #BelieveInYourself #LawOfAttraction #PositiveVibesOnly #YouAreWorthy #MindsetShift #LoveAndManifest