"Let Your Light Shine - God Receives All Praise" August 22, 2021 11am Contemporary Worship

"Let Your Light Shine - God Receives All Praise" August 22, 2021 11am Contemporary Worship

“Let Your Light Shine” is the theme for Yuma Lutheran School and Christ Lutheran Church this year. It’s a relevant theme because people are living in darkness. Darkness is associated with evil, with danger, with the condition of being lost and unable to find one’s way. Therefore, if someone is going to be save the light must shine. The light must shine because only The Light, Jesus Christ casts out all darkness for people live in the light. Today we continue our sermon series titled, “Let Your Light Shine.” Our focus: “God Receives All Praise.”   11am Pentecost Confirmation Worship Service Click here to download the Bulletin - https://www.christyuma.org/wp-content... Let us know you are joining us this morning! Please click on the link and fill out our connect card: https://forms.gle/eukVsH77dYJvjf448 To give your offering online (it's safe and simple!): https://www.christyuma.org/online-giving We would like to pray for you. Please submit prayer requests by clicking here: https://www.christyuma.org/prayer-req... As we seek to help our neighbor and community, if you have a need or are available to help someone in need, please fill out this quick and simple form: https://www.christyuma.org/need-help-... Please like and share the video, and join our facebook community at   / christlutheranchurchyuma  . Like and share our page so that we can reach more people with the Good News of Jesus. We pray God's blessings and peace as you worship wherever you are!