Wham! - Blue (Armed with Love) - Enhanced/Full version

Wham! - Blue (Armed with Love) - Enhanced/Full version

Not my usual upload here, but I feel this deserves a hell of a description to go with it. As far as this song goes, there has never been a proper studio release. We had a semi-instrumental release officially on the B-Side of the 1983 Club Tropicana single. Coming forward a couple decades, on May 29, 2009 ‪@jezzyby47‬ kindly uploaded and preserved a version with vocals. This performance was taken from The Russell Harty Show (Harty) which was aired and recorded on the 27th September, 1983 on BBC 1. (Thank you ‪@BlizzyMez‬ for providing this info you got from Kitty Robertson). The only other versions of this song with vocals is from the live performance of Wham! In China! and those vocals differed as the ones on Harty are a studio recording. Fast forward a couple more decades, we now have a proper release from Wham! themselves of the Harty recording which includes nearly all of the vocals. Sadly the vocals were cut as the credits rolled over the footage, so they shoddily cut and faded to the last part of the chorus using footage that wasn't aired. This video here is my attempt at restoring those vocals to the semi-instrumental release with parts taken from the Harty performance that are worked in. It's far from perfect and I may give this another shot in the future (or not, I'm not sure). I would also like to thank ‪@richtw‬ for his attempt, I isolated your vocals and tried my hardest to give them a little clean up. I also used the jezzyby47 vocals in this too and ran them through Adobe Enhance, as well as trying to de-noise/de-echo the vocals. I attempted to match the audio to the B-Side release as those vocals are the only studio recorded vocals that have had an official release by Wham!. I was going to use the Harty vocals all the way through but they had a lot more of the lower end present and it made the mix sound a little muddy so I just EQ'd those lows out. Hope you all enjoy this upload! I'll link the channels to those mentioned above too so you can check them out, I'll reference every bit of media I mentioned above too just so I can show where I got my material from to work with. Channel links:    / @jezzyby47      / @richtw      / @blizzymez   Media references:    • Wham - Blue (Russell Harty Show)   (mirror: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xyxgrt)    • Wham! - Blue (Armed with Love) (Live ...      • Wham! - Blue (Armed with Love) - full...