9:45am Sunday Morning Worship Service Sermon Title: "The Glorious Splendor of Authentic Worship" Ser

9:45am Sunday Morning Worship Service Sermon Title: "The Glorious Splendor of Authentic Worship" Ser

Please join Silver Mount Missionary Baptist Church this Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 9:45am for our Sunday Morning Worship Service. We now have three convenient ways that you can join us for this worship experience, In-Person at 501 W. Arrowood Road; on our SMMBC Facebook Page (Silver Mount Missionary Baptist Church) as we Livestream or on our YouTube Channel - SMBC Charlotte (   / @smbccharlotte  . The Jr. Hymn Choir will usher us into the presence of God through Praise and Worship. Following Praise & Worship, Rev. Dr. Frederick A. Wilson, Jr. will share a message titled "The Glorious Splendor of Authentic Worship". The text that supports this message will come from Psalm 145:1-12. Masking is now optional for everyone who joins us in-person during our 9:45 Sunday morning worship service. They will still be available to anyone that requests one upon entering the church. With this change, we ask that if you have respiratory symptoms such as cough, sneezing or fever, please stay home and enjoy this worship service on our Facebook Page (Silver Mount Missionary Baptist Church) or on our YouTube channel (   / @smbccharlotte  . Thank you for continuing to do your part in helping us keep everyone healthy and safe. Be sure to invite your family, friends and neighbors to join us at 9:45am this Sunday, April 28th for our Sunday Morning Worship Service. You are able to join us In Person, on our SMMBC Facebook Page (Silver Mount Missionary Baptist Church) or on our SMBC Charlotte YouTube Channel (   / @smbccharlotte  . We can’t wait to see you!