Borderlands 3 | MOZE Guide For Beginners - Playstyles, Talents, Abilities, Builds & More
I got it out in time! Stuck on which Vault Hunter you want to play? Moze is one of the more straightforward gunner vault hunters, however if you're still trying to decide which Vault Hunter to play then I wouldn't knock her. We go over her playstyles, her talents augments a gun types that can be found on her Iron Bear mech. Join the Moze Gang! LIKE AND SUBCRIBE FOR MORE ANTHEM AND BORDERLANDS 3 CONTENT Follow my other stuff ►Twitch: https://goo.gl/SNv1qg ►Discord: https://goo.gl/GZPmMY ►Twitter: https://goo.gl/yKpcX7 ►Borderlands 3 New Gameplay - ►Borderlands 3 News And Info - ►Borderlands 3 Guides, Tips & Builds ►Borderlands 3 Discussions - __ Background Music by Joakim Karud & Epidemic Sound. __ #borderlands '#borderlands3