Morning Stretching Yoga || 5 Minutes Stretching Exercise #yoga #stretches #workout #youtubeshorts
Morning Stretching Yoga || 5 Minutes Stretching Exercise #yoga #stretches #workout #youtubeshorts About This Video : Dear friends in this video i tell you about Bhujangasan, Bhujangasana, also known as the Cobra Pose, is a gentle backbend that offers numerous benefits. Here's how to practice it safely and effectively: Steps: Lie on your stomach: Place your legs together with your toes pointing backwards. Position your hands: Place your palms flat on the floor, slightly wider than your shoulders, with your elbows close to your body. Press your forearms down: This will help to protect your lower back. Inhale and lift your head and chest: Use your back muscles to arch your spine, keeping your pelvis on the floor. Gaze upwards: Lift your chin slightly to gaze towards the ceiling. Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds: Breathe deeply and evenly throughout. Exhale and lower your head and chest back to the floor. Additional Tips: Modifications: If you have lower back pain, place a folded blanket under your pelvis for added support. Focus on your breath: Deep, slow breathing can help to relax your muscles and improve flexibility. Don't force it: If you feel any pain, stop immediately and adjust your position. Benefits: Stretches the spine: Bhujangasana helps to lengthen and decompress the spine, improving flexibility and reducing back pain. Strengthens the back muscles: This pose helps to strengthen the muscles in your back, including the lower back, glutes, and core. Opens the chest: Opening the chest allows for deeper breathing and improved lung capacity. Boosts energy levels: The backbend stimulates the nervous system, which can help to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue. Improves digestion: Bhujangasana can help to stimulate digestion and relieve constipation. Reduces stress: The gentle arching of the spine can help to release tension and promote relaxation. Precautions: Avoid this pose if you have a disc herniation or severe back pain. If you are pregnant, avoid arching your back too deeply. People with carpal tunnel syndrome should be cautious when performing this pose. Remember to listen to your body and modify the pose as needed to avoid any discomfort or pain. Your Queries :- Morning stretching exercises Morning stretching for beginners Morning stretching for women Morning stretching for men Morning stretching in bed Morning stretching 5 minutes Morning stretching exercise for height Morning yoga exercises 15 minutes yoga Adriene Morning yoga 20 minutes Morning yoga 30 minutes Yoga for beginners at home Morning yoga stretching for 5 minutes Best yoga stretching for flexibility Morning stretching yoga with bhujangasan Morning stretching yoga with cobra pose Morning stretching for neck and shoulders Morning stretching for spondylitis Stretching for neck and shoulder Stretching for flexibility Stretches for back pain Stretching for lower pain Stretching before yoga Stretching before yoga poses Stretching yoga for weightloss Stretching yoga for flexible body Stretches before sleep Stretches before food Ayushnidan Youtube Ytstudeo #stretches #stretching #flexibility #exercise #yogasan #morningstretching #bestyogafor #ayushnidan