Black Clover Opening 13 and Ending 13 Reaction! Dark Triad Arc Begins!
I apologize for how the audio sounds during ending 13, it gets better after the ending is over. Finally the Dark Triad Arc is starting in the Black Clover anime! This has been hyped up for awhile, and one thing I forgot to mention is this reached number 1 on trending! That is not only big for Black Clover but for the anime community as a whole! In all I am excited to see this animated for Black Clover! Link to Gabe's Chapter Review - • JACK CAN SLASH THROUGH ANYTHING? Blac... Follow us on Instagram - / theanimecasuals Check us out on these platforms to download and listen to our podcast. Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/0kSsx4x...