Light Language Activation with Reiki Remove Negative attachments and entities for good
Please watch: "Connect To Your Higher Self Effortlessly With Light Language Activation" • Connect To Your Higher Self Effortles... -~- This Channeled light language with reiki is meant to remove negative attachments and negative entitites (sometimes referred to as demons) these negative entities will try to keep you in low vibration thoughts to keep feeding on your negative emotions, more serious attachments can try to make you have suicidal thoughts. This removes them and fills you with unconditional love. If you feel uncomfortable while listening to this , plow through it, that is the attachment trying to get you to stop removing it. This is super powerful so please do this when you have time to rest afterwards. also don't watch or listen to when driving or operating machinery. Watching or listening to this video is all that is require to agree to have this work for you, as always this content is filtered by your guides and higher self for your highest good #twinflames #twinflameshealing #demonremoval #negativeenergyremoval #negativeattchmentremoval #badspirit #twinflamesreading #lightcodes #lightLanguage #lightLanguage Activations #reiki #lightcodes #lightlanguage #lightlanguagetransmission #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguagehealing The image was also channeled so it may help by focusing on the image while listening to the audio. this is not required as you will still get benefit by listening Please drink extra water this week, as these video are very deep and powerful recommended Bluetooth sleep mask to be able to listen to subliminals while sleeping https://amzn.to/3JLwNEc Provide some feedback, as to how these work for you, and if there are any other type of subliminals or Light language you you would like me to post. I will try to get a few out each week. Please like and subscribe Need a custom Subliminal or Light Language? (i find that ones with your own voice work faster and better as you trust your own voice) See my facebook group SilverFox Spiritual Healing / 5600747353281153 Videos also available on TikTok Contact [email protected] (c)opyright silver fox spiritual permission only to listen/watch, not copy or sell