Ep.037 어머니 말씀을 너무 잘 듣는 소년 (The boy who listens to his mother very well,종이로 싼 당나귀) 민담, 전래동화. 노가리 사랑방
노가리 사랑방 이번 이야기는 종이로 싼 당나귀입니다 옛날 어느 마을에 어머니 말씀을 잘 듣는 가난한 소년이 있었습니다 그런데 소년이 어리숙하고 너무 말을 잘 듣는 점이 문제가 되네요 그로 인해 우스꽝스러운 행동을 하게 되고 소년은 난처한 상황에 빠지지만 뜻밖의 행운이 찾아옵니다 -The boy who listens to his mother very well- This story is about a donkey wrapped in paper Once upon a time, there was a poor boy who listens to his mother in a village But this boy is so dopey and obedient, and it was his problem He did some stupid things because of that And he got himself into an embarrassing situation But he had an unexpected piece of luck