Most Amazing Scalloped Potatoes | Christine Cushing
I show you how to make a creamy golden gratin in the Dauphinoise style. Don’t worry it’s just how the French say scalloped potatoes. The cream, garlic and potatoes finished with Gruyere cheese work their magic in this simply spectacular dish. They are the perfect side to any holiday or family gathering. Make sure to allow time for them to rest, even up to 30 minutes and they will firm up nicely. FULL RECIPE BELOW RECIPE: MOST AMAZING SCALLOPED POTATOES 2.5 lbs Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced (1.2 kg) about 8 medium 1 clove garlic , finely chopped Several sprigs fresh thyme, Freshly grated nutmeg to taste salt and pepper to taste 1 ¼ cup whole milk (300 ml) ¾ cup 18 %or 35 % cream (175 ml), I used 45 % Oooh la la ! ¼ cup shredded Gruyere cheese, (50 ml) ¼ cup breadcrumbs, optional , I did not use them in video Preheat oven to 350 D . Butter a medium baking dish 11 inch oval( 27 cm) Caution, when using mandolin always use the finger guard. Arrange thinly sliced potatoes evenly in pan, seasoning between layers with salt, pepper, nutmeg, garlic and fresh thyme. For the top layer, arrange in spiral pattern , as per video. Press down slightly. Pour in milk and finally pour in cream, evenly. Press down gently, making sure potatoes are fully immersed. You can adjust the amount of cream or milk to suit your pan size. Season the top layer with salt, pepper and thyme leaves. Carefully, place the baking dish on a cookie sheet to catch any bubbling cream that may overflow while baking. Bake at 350 D convection, until potatoes are tender, bubbling and golden, about 45-50. Sprinkle with top grated cheese ( only use bread crumbs if filling seems loose and you want more crunch on top). Return to oven for a final 5-10 minutes for extra golden and crispy top. Let stand at least 15 minutes before serving, for juices to settle and potatoes to hold their shape when served. Serves 8 Check out these other amazing videos: One Dish Super Easy Garlic Mashed Potatoes: • One Dish Super Easy Garlic Mashed Pot... Greek Lemon Potatoes: • Greek Lemon Potatoes | Christine Cushing The WORLD'S Best Mashed Potato Recipe: • The WORLD'S Best Mashed Potato Recipe... Potato Galette - Pommes Anna: • Potato Galette - Pommes Anna - No Flo... Cream of Mushroom Soup: • Cream of Mushroom Soup | Christine Cu... French Onion Soup: • French Onion Soup | Christine Cushing Roast Leg of Lamb: • Roast Leg of Lamb | Christine Cushing Beef Bourguignon: • Beef Bourguignon | Christine Cushing Slow Cooked Beef Short Ribs: • Slow Cooked Beef Short Ribs | Christi... Roasted Beef Tenderloin - Filet Mignon: • How To Cook Perfect Beef Tenderloin |... Fries in Olive Oil with Feta Cheese - Greek Style: • Greek Fries in Olive Oil & Feta Chees... Subscribe for more videos: https://goo.gl/wNqDQB Connect with Chef Christine on social media: Instagram: / ccfearless Facebook: / chefchristinecushing Christine's Website: http://christinecushing.com/ Linkedin: / christine-cushing Twitter: / ccfearless #scallopedpotatoes #thanksgiving