Saints Row 2 - Mission #24 "Rest in Peace" (Xbox Series X)

Saints Row 2 - Mission #24 "Rest in Peace" (Xbox Series X)

Saints Row 2 - Mission #24 "Rest in Peace" (Xbox Series X) Saints Row 2 - Mission #24 Rest in PeaceXbox Series X Saints Row 2 Ninth Ronin Mission “Rest in Peace" recorded in 4K on the Xbox Series X with the built in Game DVR. For the best viewing experience, watch in 4K or 1440p. About us: Saints Row Videos is a dedicated fan channel keeping you up to date with all the latest news, video walkthroughs and official trailers for the Saints Row Game Series, including Saints Row: The Third Remastered, Saints Row 2, Saints Row 1, Saints Row 4, Saints Row 5 and all other Saints Row/Volition titles to be released. Gameplay recorded on the Xbox Series X. All videos on this channel are recorded and edited by us - Saints Row Videos All content uploaded to this channel has permission from the publisher and developer. This channel is in no way affiliated with Volition, Deep Silver or THQ Nordic. #SaintsRow #SaintsRow2 #XboxSeriesX