The Avengers - 1950s Super Panavision 70
Witness the Dawn of the Avengers In a world of atomic wonders and cosmic mysteries, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye unite to face Loki and his alien army in an epic battle for the fate of humanity. With sweeping visuals, a soaring orchestral score, and the grandeur of Super Panavision 70, this is the Avengers as you've never seen them before! #TheAvengers #1950sCinema #SuperPanavision70 #CaptainAmerica #IronMan #Thor #Hulk #BlackWidow #Hawkeye #Marvel #RetroSuperheroes #ClassicMovies #FanTrailer #EpicTrailer #GoldenAgeHeroes #Loki #MarvelFanFilm #VintageStyle #Technicolor #Nostalgia