Valiya Nomb Ucha Namaskaram | Noon Prayer | The Great Lent | ഉച്ച നമസ്കാരം | ആറാം മണി, മദ്ധ്യാഹ്ന

Valiya Nomb Ucha Namaskaram | Noon Prayer | The Great Lent | ഉച്ച നമസ്കാരം | ആറാം മണി, മദ്ധ്യാഹ്ന

Noon Prayer During Great Lent വലിയ നോമ്പിലെ സാധാരണ നമസ്കാരം ഉച്ചയുടെ (ആറാം മണി, മദ്ധ്യാഹ്ന) നമസ്കാരം Great Lent prayers and songs playlist available in below link    • Great Lent Songs and Prayers   Disclaimer : This channel DOES NOT Promote or encourage any illegal activities. All contents provided by this channel is meant for entertainment purposes only. Any Unauthorized re-upload of this video is strictly prohibited. No Copyright infringement intended. All Contents belongs to its Right full owners. This is for entertainment purposes only and for promoting the music. If you liked this one, comment something nice about and click on the like button ©️Note : Use or Commercial Display or editing of the content without proper Authorization is not allowed ©️JAMES VARGHESE THUNDATHIL || Support content Creators || 🔔Get Alerts when releasing any new video. TURN ON THE BELL ICON and Subscribe #greatlent #great_lent_namaskaram #Indian_Orthodox_Syrian_Church! #Malakara_Orthodox_Syrian_Church #Jacobite_Syrain_Church! #Jacobite_Syrain_orthodox_Church