Expanding The Heart Chakra To Attract Deeply Loving And Fulfilling Relationships, Manifesting Music
Expansion never looked so good - When your Heart is wide open, There are conversations that need to be said, Worthiness. Enoughness. Feeling Good Enough to Receive. These things are all the same thing, disguised as different words - Your ability to Accept yourself As you are. Where you are. Who you are. Deep within your core of Who you are. It is time to Awaken your Heart - Awakening our Heart Charka is a layering process of reclaiming your Sovereignty, It’s about digging deep into your soul and reclaiming your own Throne, Choosing to Lead your Life. The Heart space seems to be sticky, it seems to lead so many astray, lowering our boundaries, our standards, and what we feel we are capable of to attract love, to receive, to give, in every area of our life. not just romantically. It's about the worth game. The feelings of being truly good-enough. We forget our power in the process and that we can change it all around, all these constructs around ‘worthiness’ and ‘being good enough’ Earning Success Triumphing Love, Healing our self-esteem, Accepting our body, Filling our mind with wisdom and knowledge, Releasing the sabotage, It all begins with understanding the Heart space The Heart is the Bridge between the Spiritual World and the physical plane, which means the more we energetically clear up the heart? You begin activating your Natural Abilities of Giving and Receiving in your Life. The more we open up the heart, we don’t just shift ourselves, we begin to shift the energetic conversations we’re having with reality, the Heart expands the moment - we reclaim ourselves. The moment we go beyond the healing and into the void of our own EXPANSION, we go deeper into the Energetics, beyond the Love of self, into The core structures you’re working with, and into the QUANTUM, we Expand - We Open. And in the opening - we Allow in the Good. We stop looking for problems, we start building up solutions. We begin to raise our standards, we enforce our boundaries, we start to change the magnetism we’re creating, and in that space, - we naturally begin to expand our capacity of receiving in whatever we desire, the Heart Shifts we experience - are a reclamation of Self- Acceptance. Healing and Expanding the Heart Chakra Brings in: Deeply loving fulfilling relationships Healing External Validation & Approval A deeper love of yourself and your body Improving Relationship Attraction around: Career, Clients, Romance, etc. Raising your Standards to Fully Own your Worth Deeper Capacity to Allow In Receiving. Strengthening your Energetic Relationship dynamic of Giving and Receiving.