Unity Baptist Church 12.15.24 - Sunday Service: Joy (Luke2:8-12  NIV)

Unity Baptist Church 12.15.24 - Sunday Service: Joy (Luke2:8-12 NIV)

Welcome Everyone! Order of Service - 12.15.24 00:00 - Announcement House churches, Friday nights DEC 18: HOP DEC 22: Joint Service @ KM DEC 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 00:00 - Worship led by Sam Ahn O Come all Ye Faithful Run to the Father Angels We Have Heard On High 00:00 - Offering: Church Center App 00:00 - Scripture: John 14:27 NIV 00:00 - Speaker: Pastor Dan Eum 00:00 - Response Isn't He 00:00 00:00 - Blessing for the road Web: www.unitybaptistnash.com Instagram: unitybaptistnash Unity Baptist Church is multi-cultural, gospel-centered church in Nashville, TN. We are the 2nd-gen English-speaking congregation of Korean Unity Baptist Church. We gather for worship at 5069 Colemont Dr. Antioch, TN.