How many Primadon kills will it take to get Stormseye? | Deepwoken PVE

How many Primadon kills will it take to get Stormseye? | Deepwoken PVE

24 = 100:100=1*24=24:2 = 12% to get a Stormseye out of 24 Primadons Discord: slayerwaterr or ojq25 Music used in the video: Naktigonis - Catwhisker The recording took place during the Holidays event which provided 2x drops from the chests. Stormseye is really rare from Primadon and I suggest doing Ferryman for it, but Primadon is simple, and can give you better loot (Such as Yun Shul wish that dropped earlier in the video.) #deepwoken #deepwokenpvp #deepwokenroblox #deepwokengameplay #roguelineage #roguelike #roblox #robloxedit #robloxshorts #robloxtrend #archmage #agamatsu