Saturday CFB Bets Week 8 - College Football Picks With Kyle Kirms

Saturday CFB Bets Week 8 - College Football Picks With Kyle Kirms

College Football Week 8 Picks - Saturday, October 19th. Kyle Kirms shares his bets. 0:00 NEB/IND 10:41 UCLA/RUTG 15:17 ASU/CIN 16:16 MIA/LOU 24:54 WIS/NW 26:33 UVA CLEM 29:40 SCAR/OKLA 36:00 NCST/CAL 40:36 TOL/NIU 42:52 HOU/KU 47:51 ND/GT 59:06 BAMA/TENN 1:08:50 MICH/ILL 1:15:01 COLO/ARI 1:21:57 BAY/TTU 1:25:15 UGA/TEX 1:34:34 UCF/ISU To see all of Kyle and the rest of the staff's open bets, visit the website. Signing up to Sauce Network Plus also comes with access to the discord and the weekly betting league. #collegefootball #sportsbetting #collegefootballpicks