Hypokalaemia | Causes | Sign & Symptoms | Diagnostic Test | Treatment | Potassium Deficiency
Hello Friends Welcome to RajNEET Medical Education In this video I explained about :- Hypokalaemia Causes of Hypokalaemia Sign & Symptoms of Hypokalaemia Diagnostic Test of Hypokalaemia Treatment of Hypokalaemia Potassium Deficiency If you have any queries regarding this video, Please drop your comment in comment box, I would love to answer And If you Understand the video, Please like, share and subscribe channel. Thank you. #rjmedicaleducation #coachingfreeindia #rajneetmedicaleducation Instagram - https://instagram.com/rjmedicaleducat... Facebook- / rajneet-medical-education-114537150290287 2nd YouTube Channel- / @rajneetghuman4226