THE LAST OF US Part II - "Waking Up" (100% Collectible Location Guide #01)

THE LAST OF US Part II - "Waking Up" (100% Collectible Location Guide #01)

In The Last of Us Part II Chapter "Waking Up" there are: Artifacts 1/1 Trading Cards 2/2 Parts 3/3 NOTE: There are no collectibles in chapter "Prologue", which precedes this chapter. TIMESTAMPS FOR ITEMS IN CHAPTER 2 "Waking Up": TRADING CARD 1/2: 0:01 PARTS 1/3: 00:46 ARTIFACT 1/1: 01:19 TRADING CARD 2/2: 01:43 PARTS 2/3: 02:37 PARTS 3/3: 03:19 THE LAST OF US 2 "100% Collectible Guide" is organized by game chapter. Each guide will show you how to find all items in the chapter, including: All Artifacts All Trading Cards All Journals All Training Manuals All Coins All Parts All Supplements All Safe Codes All Workbenches FULL PLAYLIST FOR ALL CHAPTERS HERE:    • THE LAST OF US PART II 100% Collectib...   Note: The guide doesn't include all health, rags, ammo and common weapon drops that don't count towards trophy's. That would be going overboard and make these videos way too long. If you're concerned about that, just repeatedly scan wherever you go. Ancillary items are everywhere.