How To Fix Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Issues - Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche

How To Fix Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Issues - Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche

Trouble with your Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) or Lane Assist in your 2010s Volkswagen, Audi or Porsche? This video will show you one of the most common failures that causes these issues! Need tools? Get 'em here! (Affiliate links for which I may be compensated) Rework Soldering Gun: Torx Bit Set: This video focuses on the ACC is Not Available, No Sensor View error message. This can be caused by a number of issues, from radar units to image processors to the cables to connect it all, but it appears that the most common is due to a failure with the video camera. This is what I highlight in this video. This issue can cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, and in this video you can learn to fix it for what is basically free! Common Fault Codes Include: Video Cable for Image Processing C1107 02 [009] - Signal Failure [No_camera_found_on_startup] Function Limitation due to Missing Video Data C1108 00 [024] [Incompatible_data_on_downlink] Camera Part Number: 7P6907217BZ1Y, 7P6-907-217-B-Z1Y; 7P6-907-217-BZ1Y; 7P6907217AZ02; 7P6907217AZ06; 7P6907217B Z1Y; 7P6907217Z0E