You Will Be SHOCKED! Weekly Sale Ads vs. WalMart Prices!

You Will Be SHOCKED! Weekly Sale Ads vs. WalMart Prices!

Shopping for the best deals in the weekly sale ads has greatly helped our large family of 9 stay within our $1100 a month budget for groceries and household items! Today, we look at the weekly sales at 10 Box, Aldi, and Kroger. (The sale prices in this video should be good through Tuesday, October 1st.) We also look at the products I've purchased at Dollar Tree and Azure Standard. #largefamilygroceryhaul #aldi #krogerdeals #walmart #dollartreehaul If you're interested in purchasing from Azure Standard, please consider using my referral link so our family can receive a credit towards our next order! Thank you so much! #azurestandard #azuremarket Restocking EVERYTHING! Once-a-Month Grocery Haul    • LARGE FAMILY Once-a-Month Grocery Hau...   A Time of Transition - Last Week's Grocery Video    • Not Our Usual Video - A Time of Trans...   LARGE FAMILY - What We Eat in a Week!    • LARGE FAMILY Meals! What We Eat in a ...   This is How You SAVE MONEY!    • Please Give This System a Try! Weekly...   Our mailing address at The UPS Store: Ozark Family Homestead 1899 N. Westwood Blvd. Ste. C PMB 256 Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 You asked for it! Our family's wish list: Our Paypal link: Check out the products we love and use on a daily basis in our family's Amazon Store! You get great products and we get a small commission when you buy through our store. It's a win-win!! Our family: Shawn - 52 Janice - 47 Samuel - 19 Sarah - 17 Andrew - 15 David - 13 Anna - 11 Abigail - 9 Rebekah - 3