Sung by Dhina Bellen Alarcio | Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name For Ever, My King And My God.
with LYRICS & CHORDS: • for 9 July 2023 Mass | Psalm 145: I W... INSTRUMENTAL: • [INSTRUMENTAL] for 9 July 2023 Mass |... Psalmist: Dhina Bellen Alarcio Original Composition by: Rolly Ocampo 羅利 October 30, 2022 @6pm mass | 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) Music Played by: Rolly Ocampo, Jonel Dizon & Jerry Mae Torres Responsorial Psalm by: Himig Pag-asa Choir Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Zhongli, Taiwan R.O.C. Psalm 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13, 14 RESPONSORIAL PSALM: I Will Praise Your Name For Ever, My King And My God. 1. I will extol you,/ O my God and King,/ and I will bless your name forever and ever./ Every day will I bless you,/ and I will praise your name forever and ever. (R) RESPONSORIAL PSALM: I Will Praise Your Name For Ever, My King And My God. 2. The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness. The LORD is good to all and compassionate toward all his works. (R) RESPONSORIAL PSALM: I Will Praise Your Name For Ever, My King And My God. 3. Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD, and let your faithful ones bless you. Let them discourse of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might. (R) RESPONSORIAL PSALM: I Will Praise Your Name For Ever, My King And My God. 4. The LORD is faithful in all his words and holy in all his works. The LORD lifts up all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down. (R) RESPONSORIAL PSALM: I Will Praise Your Name For Ever, My King And My God.