USE UP OLD PAINT! Rain & REFLECTIONS, Misty Loose Watercolor Landscape Painting Watercolour Demo
Today I'm sharing an older video where I'm using up the old paint on my palette before cleaning it to paint this simple rainy day urban landscape scene using the colour results produced by mixing it all up. Full narration here: • Paint A Simple Loose Watercolour Rain... My board is at an angle of about 45 degrees tilt. Why not try something similar with neutrals mixed from your palette? I like to spray the paint on my palette 5 mins or so before I start painting so it wets up and become rich and creamy again, almost as rich as tube consistency. Paint mixtures include perylene green, sepia, indigo, paynes grey, raw and burnt sienna. Various brushes and Saunders Waterford cold pressed paper, 140lb/330g, 11" x 15"/28cm x 38cm Thanks for watching, and happy painting!