What is First Information Report | FIR Explained as per NEW Criminal Laws
Hey everybody! Fir is one of the most important concepts of Criminal Laws. Sec. 173 of the BNSS deals with the First Information Report (FIR) in the Old Criminal Law it was dealt under Sec. 154 of CrPC. It is defined as information relating to any cognizable offence given to a police officer - In this video we are going to understand the entire concept of FIR in the easiest way, so let's get started! You can click on the timestamps to jump onto specific parts of the video! 00:00 Introduction to FIR 00:31 What is FIR, Section 173 BNSS (CrPC 154) 01:05 What are the essential components of FIR 02:36 Difference between FIR, NCR and Complaint 03:00 Difference between FIR, Complaint and Police Report 03:40 Types of Offences 04:14 How to File F.I.R 04:58 PROVISO for FIR 05:39 - Is registration of FIR Mandatory | Lalita Kumari v. the State of U.P. 08:13 Guidelines for FIR | Preliminary Inquiry 10:36 What if Police officer refuses to lodge FIR 12:17 Evidentiary Value of FIR | Accused and Non-Accused 15:27 Difference between S. 154 Crpc and s. 173 BNSS 17:03 What is Zero Fir and E-FIR 18:01 The End 📌 My NEW Course on Criminal Laws - https://learn.finology.in/courses/leg... 📌 Course on CLAT PG : https://learn.finology.in/courses/leg... 📌Full information on FIR: https://blog.finology.in/Legal-news/P...