$1,000,000.00 FISH {Catch Clean Cook} GIANT BlueFin TUNA!!!

$1,000,000.00 FISH {Catch Clean Cook} GIANT BlueFin TUNA!!!

This was a trip of a lifetime!!! Special thanks to Fly Navarro @flyNavarro and Captain Curtis from "Big Smoke" In my lifetime, I'll never forget this trip! enter to win the all expense paid trip to my New Condo!!! HUNT FISH FEAST as we Catch Clean Cook!!! This is going to be an AMAZING TRIP!!!! https://deermeatfordinner.com for Authentic DeerMeatForDinner Merch, go to: https://deermeatfordinner.com Here's a link to the Jacket I was wearing, Use Promo Code: DMFD http://bit.ly/2oeteky Go to: https://www.froggtoggs.com and use Promo Code: DEERMEAT20 for 20% off and FREE Shipping! Here's a link to the Jacket I was wearing, Use Promo Code: DMFD http://bit.ly/2oeteky Go To: https://www.cancooker.com and use PromoCode: DMFD20 for 20% Off! I use Silver Stag knives: https://silverstag.com/Deer_Meat_For_... http://www.suzukimarine.com https://www.flir.com https://www.evergladesseasoning.com https://diamondarchery.com https://www.hornady.com https://www.engelcoolers.com