13 October 2024- The Twenty-first After Pentecost- LWML Sunday
Trinity Lutheran Church- 13 October 2024 The Twenty-first Sunday After Pentecost LWML Sunday PRELUDE WELCOME/ANNOUNCEMENTS SONGS: Great Things King of Heaven PASSING OF THE PEACE CONFESSION & FORGIVENESS SOLO: God of grace and God of Glory SCRIPTURE READINGS: 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 Philippians 2:5-11 THE GOSPEL: Luke 1:26-38 LWML PLEDGE CHILDREN'S MESSAGE SPECIAL MUSIC: Trust In God SERMON: Ready to Serve Luke 1:26-38 PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH OFFERING PRAYER OFFERING BENEDICTION CLOSING SONG: Friend of God POSTLUDE __________________________________________________________________ ** CCLI Copyright license 20252073 / Streaming License 20252066 __________________________________________________________________ SERVING THIS MORNING Pastor: Rev. Robert Lyon Barker, III Praise Leader: Andrea Hammond Director of Youth: Jonah Sielaff, DCE Keyboard: Bob Luna Worship Assistant: Todd Wilson Soprano: Olivia Lyon Barker Scripture Reader: Deanna Spencer Voice & Drums: Eddie Hedges Ushers: Ruth D., Carol S., Tracy N., and Wendy Z. Bass: Lorin Hass A/V: Elijah Ramos, Caden Taggart, David Mengers MUSIC THIS MORNING: **GREAT THINGS Words & Music: Phil Wickham © 2018 Fair Trade Services/Ed Cash/ASCAP **KING OF HEAVEN Words & Music: Paul Baloche & Jason Ingram © 2012 Integrity Music/EMI CMG Publishing **GOD OF GRACE AND GOD OF GLORY Olivia Lyon Barker Text: Henry Emerson Fosdick Tune: John Hughes **TRUST IN GOD MUSIC & LYRICS: Chris Brown & Brandon Lake ©2023 Elevation Worship/ASCAP **FRIEND OF GOD By Michael Gungor & Israel Houghton © Copyright 2003 Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ASCAP ________________________________________________________________ Trinity Lutheran Church – LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) We believe that God has a unique purpose for your life found in Jesus Christ and Trinity Lutheran hopes to help you find that purpose. If you are exploring Christianity and wondering what makes Trinity different than other congregations, we have information that will help answer your questions. If you are looking for a place to experience the healing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we pray you will join us on a Sunday morning to get to know this loving congregation. Purpose: Connecting People to Jesus.Vision: Trinity Lutheran Church and Schools is a 21st Century outpost where people are supported, equipped, and launched into personal ministry. Mission: The people of Trinity Lutheran live out our vision by expressing a personal discipleship with this UP – IN – OUT attitude and approach. As Christ reaches down to us we are and have:~UP – A personal relationship with God. Engaged in worship, Bible study and prayer.~IN – Connected to other believers in Biblical Community. Engaged in small groups, acts of service and caring.~OUT – An expression of how each person is participating in the advancement of the Mission of God. Engaged in witnessing, supporting mission. Why is our logo a hand print?As we reach Up, In, and Out we leave prints of God’s love in our community and world. God uses his people to share the saving message of mercy and forgiveness through Christ Jesus. Learn more about Trinity Lutheran Church, here http://trinitylutheranchurchsimi.com/