DMX Spirit Box Session - This Is A Must Watch!

DMX Spirit Box Session - This Is A Must Watch!

DMX Spirit Box Session , In this video i conduct a spirit box session with what i believe to be the spirit of DMX aka Earl Simmons. I used My Verge Box ghost box along with Hope Paranormals new spirit box app. The results were amazing as DMX was able to speak clearly through my ghost box. This further validates the fact that spirit can in fact speak to us, ever celebrities. This was 100% Real contact with the dead using real devices and methods. This work is called ITC or Spirit Communication and Research, basically it is a field of researching the afterlife and the dead. Ive captured many videos and pieces of evidence in the past and have shared it with all of you here on youtube. This is a session i conducted for DMX himself and his many fans. RIP DMX.. This is 100% real spirit research and communication, everything you see on my channel is real and always will be. I presents my evidence as captured and will always do so. Book a one on one session with me: EMAIL: [email protected] Become A Member:    / @reallifeparanormal   SUPPORT THE CHANNEL:   / reallifeparanormal   FULL CHANNEL:    / @reallifeparanormal   ACCESS TO GROUP/PRIVATE SESSIONS:   / reallifeparanormal   SUBSCRIBE:    / @reallifeparanormal   #DMX #DMXspiritbox #DMXghostbox #dmx #dmxspiritsession #ghostbox #earlsimmons