34. 신현근 박사: 방어와 저항에 대한 자기심리학적 접근

34. 신현근 박사: 방어와 저항에 대한 자기심리학적 접근

The Self Psychological Approach to Defense and Resistance 방어와 저항에 대한 자기심리학적 접근 Again, as with my reinterpretations of the other traditionally conceived defense-resistances of my patient, I will attempt to "prove" neither that the self psychological interpretations are correct and the traditional ones wrong nor that the former are "deeper" than the latter, that is, that they focus on the more basic psychic constellations 10 My aim is to present an alternative to the traditional view in the hope that it will be adopted by those analysts willing to suspend disbelief for sufficiently long periods to apply the alternative view, and thereby test it, in their own clinical work (Kohut, 1984, p 145) ▶주교재 Kohut, H (1984) How does analysis cure? Eds A Goldberg and P E Stepansky Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press 번역본 : 정신분석은 어떻게 치료하는가 하인즈코헛 저 이재훈 역 한국심리치료연구소 This lecture provided in one of the classes of Innovative Coaching Center (ICC) in Korean (한국어) is publicly shared to help Korean-speaking communities and their members located in various continents, countries, and regions of the world have an easy and free access to the life-coaching, psychoanalytic, and spiritual insights and wisdoms