I stopped Dosing Fertilizer in my planted tank & this happened
This video talks about Aquarium fertilizers . How over time u dont need external fertilizers . Plants & fish in the aquarium create a stable equilibrium. The waste coming from fish feeds plants and plants in return act as their refuge. -Back Ground Music Credit - Music: Circles by Hunter Milo is licensed under a Creative Commons License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Support by RFM - NCM: https://bit.ly/3WFJJ3Y - #automaticwaterchange,#waterchange,#pythonwaterchangesystem,#python,#aquascape,#plantedtank,#pressurized co2,#co2 injected planted tank,#hardscape,#solarRGB,#ADA Amazonia,#co2 in planted tank,#planted tank,#aquascaping,#high tech planted tank,#solar rgb,#Aquahobby,#planted tank light,#aquatic plants,#nature aquascape,#pressurized CO2,#Karboonate hardness,#TDS,phenacogrammus interruptus,#fern care,#anubias care,#relaxing video,#adamazonia