5 कारण पेट में पानी भरने के || ASCITIS

5 कारण पेट में पानी भरने के || ASCITIS

#fattyliver #livercirrhosis #ascitis 5 कारण पेट में पानी भरने के || ASCITIS || विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर वी.के.मिश्रा (गैस्ट्रो एवं लिवर) || The Gastro Liver Hospital Kanpur || हॉस्पिटल में सम्पर्क करने के लिए इस नंबर पे बात करे || बात करने का समय 10:00 सुबह से शाम 6:00 तक 9956653103, 9793555775, 9793555776 What is ascites? Ascites is a condition in which fluid collects in spaces within your abdomen. If severe, ascites may be painful. The problem may keep you from moving around comfortably. Ascites can set the stage for an infection in your abdomen SELF-TREATMENT Resting and limiting salt intake to less than 2,000 milligrammes a day may help relieve symptoms. It may be helpful to avoid alcohol, paracetamol and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. SEEKING MEDICAL CARE See a doctor immediately if you: Experience swelling for the first time Don't know the cause Develop a fever Scientific facts with evidence THE GASTRO LIVER HOSPITAL :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgsB... 1. Playlist link    / @thegastroliverhospitalkanpur   2. Heart Disease Videos    • कितने तरह होते है ह्रदय रोग || how ma...   3. Fatty Liver Diet    • Fatty Liver Diet क्यों खाये Healthy F...   4. Belly Fat    • 7 कारण क्यों बढ़ती है तोंद ? || 7 CAUS...   5. Liver Disease    • लिवर में सूजन जानिये क्या है पूरी सच्...   6. Life Style Videos    • नाश्ते में आप ये गलती तो नहीं करते ?   7. IBS    • ये IBS है या कुछ और ? || Irritable bo...   8. Gas Problems    • सोचें क्यों बनती है गैस ? || CAUSES O...   Dr. Vinod K.Mishra MBBS, MD, DM (Gastro) is a senior gastroenterologist , herpetologist, and endoscopist. He is an alumni of prestigious post graduate institute of medical education & research, (PGIMER) Chandigarh. He is a busy gastroenterologist performing about 1000 endoscopic procedures per month. He specializes in liver problems and all gastrointestinal diseases. He is trained in endoscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, and endoscopic ultrasound.He has previously worked at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and Medical College, Jabalpur. He was President of UP chapter of Gastroenterology society. The GASTRO LIVER HOSPITAL, where he works is a gastroenterology and herpetology super speciality hospital. Hospital has MEDICAL, and SURGICAL wings. It has ICU and plenty of accommodation facilities of different levels. The hospital performs all complicated and advanced surgeries under team of very senior and experienced gastro surgeon . All laparoscopic and open surgeries done .Advanced operations as whipple’s preocedure and oespophageal replacement s are done regularly not to mention of routine surgeries.This is possibly the only centre in north India doing cholecystectomy with intra operative ERCP on regular basis for Gall Bladder stone and CBD stones.The endoscopy unit has following facilities---- • Endoscopy including multi band imaging. • Colonoscopy • ERCP • Endoscopic ultrasound. • Capsule endoscopy. • Hydrogen breath test. • Urea breath • Fibro scan for liver diseases. Currently he is working as Dr. Vinod K. Mishra MD, DM (Gastro) Chairman and Chief of Gastroenterology, Liver diseases and Endoscopy services at The Gastro Liver Hospital Swaroop Nagar Kanpur (UP), India For online appointment or consultation https://www.practo.com/kanpur/doctor/... visit our website http://gastrohospital.com/ visit our Facebook   / gastroliverhospitalkanpur   visit our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/drvk.mishra... #fattyliver #fattylivertreatment #fattyliverkailaj #fattyliverdisease #fattyliversymptoms #fattyliverdiseasecasesrise #gastroliverhospital #drvkmishra