Lake Cabin in Mountain Ambience with Cozy Fireplace on Porch, Birdsong, Sheeps and Spring Soundscape

Lake Cabin in Mountain Ambience with Cozy Fireplace on Porch, Birdsong, Sheeps and Spring Soundscape

Lake Cabin in Mountain Ambience with Cozy Fireplace on Porch, Birdsong, Sheeps and Spring Soundscape When we know how to love and cherish human life, we will have a peaceful, happy and lasting life... I wish you Be always healthy and happy my dear friend! You can play this video in the background on your TV, it will create a special atmosphere in your home or coffe shop. The gentle sounds will help you comfortable, relieve you of insomnia & meditation. ------------------------------------ ➡️ Please Subscribe! ➡️ The band produced by Alley Music ➡️ Glad to see you on my Alley Music channel! I create all the videos myself and use the following programs: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects. Sometimes I add content created in collaboration with other creators to my videos, with all the necessary licenses and commercial use rights. COPYRIGHT © & FAQ • This video was given a special license directly from the artists visual. • All music on Alley Music are copyrighted. ☞ Do not Reup ‣ Contact us: [email protected] ‣ Licensed video and images (, envato, story blocks, istock, stock.adobe...) ‣ All rights reserved and published by Alley Music ◢Please Share this channel on Social sites (Facebook, Google +, Twitter etc.) so that more person could listenit! #alleymusic #ambience #winterambience