Advent Series "SHADOWS" Part 1 | A Thrill of Hope | English Service | Isaiah 11:1-10

Advent Series "SHADOWS" Part 1 | A Thrill of Hope | English Service | Isaiah 11:1-10

Last Sunday, November 27th, 2022 in #cbcli , Senior Pastor Nathan Creitz started a 5-week sermon series titled "SHADOWS", based on the Advent season as a Christian celebration. Advent means the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This week's sermon is titled "A Thrill of Hope" from Isaiah 11:1-10 —————————— Follow our English Social Media Channels ○ INSTAGRAM:   / calvarybapt   ○ YouTube: ○ FACEBOOK:   / calvarybapti   Follow our Spanish Social Media Channels ○ INSTAGRAM:   / calvarybcli   —————————— This has been produced by Calvary Baptist Church, Bay Shore, NY. It is prohibited to reproduce this resource in any format, online or offline, without previous written consent from Calvary Baptist Church. Any form of unauthorized use will be prosecuted with the provisions of international copyright laws. All Rights Reserved.