Kangaroos at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park

Kangaroos at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park

Thank you for visiting the San Diego Zoo Safari Park with me. The animals featured today are: Kangaroos in the Walk-About Australia encounter at the Safari Park. It truly is amazing to me that we can walk around their habitat without fences between them and us. Visitors must remain on the designated path. This is great for photo opportunities with the kangaroos. The path to the kangaroos a bit long and is a wooden planked bridge that is somewhat annoying for those who are disabled using a wheelchair, scooter or walker. Bump, bump, bump. This channel provides content to uplift your mood and energy from the stresses of life to help you feel more grounded. Animals, nature, and food all help to ground you and bring you into the present moment. This channel offers videos (mostly 'shorts') as we visit San Diego Zoo animals, restaurants, destinations, hidden gems around San Diego, and learning about other things regarding self-awareness that may pique your interest. *Each video is under 5 minutes in duration (with only two exceptions) so they are easily enjoyed within your busy day. San Diego Zoo, Restaurants, Destinations, and Hidden Gems #sandiegozoo #torreypinesgliderport #sandiegobay #sandiegosealtour #sandiegorestaurants #autism #gratitude #kangaroo #kangaroos This channel is a labor of love and not monetized in any way. Please show your support: Subscribe for FREE @butterflykisseshealing You are always welcome here ♥