[PFCD61 REDLIVE] 위아더나잇 - 티라미수케잌(FNL live ver.)
[PFCD61 REDLIVE] 위아더나잇 - 티라미수케잌(FNL live ver.) _________________________________________________________________ 음악과 라이프스타일을 중심으로, 서울동북권의 도시재생과 새로운 문화트렌드를 창조하는 공간. 플랫폼창동61입니다. A space that creates urban renewal and new cultural trends in the northeastern region of Seoul centered on music and lifestyle. Platform Changed 61 Seoul Korea. _________________________________________________________________ ■ 플랫폼창동61 공식 페이스북 _ / platformcd61 ■ 플랫폼창동61 공식 인스타그램 _ / platformcd61 ■ 플랫폼창동61 공식 홈페이지 _ http://www.platform61.kr/ _________________________________________________________________ COPYRIGHT ⓒ 2018 Platformchangdong61 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. _________________________________________________________________ ★ Artist : 위아더나잇_we are the night @bandwearethenight _________________________________________________________________ Produce : Platformchangdong61_ @platformcd61 Sound : Mark kim_ @mark__kim__ Chief producer : Hwang jae young_ @d_emperor0 Camera operate : PFCD61 live team