10 Minute Guided Meditation to Trust in the Universe
In this 10 minute guided meditation to trust in the universe, you will learn to let go of any fears or doubts that may be holding you back and trust that the Universe will support you. This meditation will help you connect with your inner self and align your energy with the universe, allowing you to manifest your dreams and desires. This meditation is perfect for anyone who wants to cultivate a deeper sense of trust and faith in the universe. So sit back, relax, and let the universe work its magic as you embark on this transformative journey. Love, Phoebe ps. you can find more guided meditations here: • Guided Meditations with Phoebe Garnsw... pps. of you would like to start your meditation journey you can start with my free 7 day meditation e-course: https://subscribe.phoebegarnsworthy.c... Phoebe Garnsworthy is an Australian female author who seeks to discover magic in everyday life. She travels between the worlds of the seen and unseen, gathering ancient wisdom and angelic energy. Her writings reflect a dance with the mystical and wonderful, an intoxicating love potion to devour in a world that overflows with forgotten love and enchantment. The intention of her writing is to encourage conscious living and unconditional love. Her meditation classes combine spiritual philosophy and creative visualizations to cleanse and recharge your energy, empowering you to step into your greatest self, gifting you the confidence and self-loving tools to pursue your goals. Each class finishes with uplifting positive affirmations and manifesting vibrations to support you throughout your day. For more Spiritual Tools and Guided Meditations by Phoebe, be sure to subscribe to Phoebe's youtube channel: / phoebegarnsworthy For more spiritual resources of books, meditations and courses, check out Phoebe's website: Website: https://www.phoebegarnsworthy.com/ Follow Phoebe On: Instagram: / TikTok: https://tiktok.com/phoebe_garnsworthy Facebook: / #10minuteguidedmeditationtotrustintheuniverse #guidedmeditation #trusttheuniverse