"The Epistles of John" (I John 1:1-10 / PART 2)

"The Epistles of John" (I John 1:1-10 / PART 2)

Thank you for joining us via YouTube or FaceBook today for our worship service as we continue with part two of Rev. Dr. Michael Patrick Jones' sermon series-- "The Epistles of John.” We invite you to please take up your Bible’s and turn with us to the New Testament Book of 1 John, and find chapter one, verse one and reading through verse ten; (1 John 1:1-10) (ESV), as we begin our examination of God’s Word today in our sermon series: “The Epistles of John.” In this sermon series we will review all three of John’s Epistles, 1-2-3 John, continuing where we left off last week with 1 John.1:1-10.