Multiplying Negative Numbers Review - Exponents - Negative Bases - Part 2 - ALGEBRA

Multiplying Negative Numbers Review - Exponents - Negative Bases - Part 2 - ALGEBRA

This video reviews multiplying with negative numbers. Previous: Expanding With Negative Bases - Exponents - Negative Bases - Part 1 - ALGEBRA (   • Expanding With Negative Bases - Expon...  ) Next: Calculating (-2)^4 - Exponents - Negative Bases - Part 3 - ALGEBRA (   • Calculating (-2)^4 - Exponents - Nega...  ) Notes: Mission Statement: Our goal is to help people learn math – when it’s easy and especially when it is hard or confusing. We have found that students struggle when they have gaps in their understanding. We are trying to reduce those gaps and make it as easy as possible by explaining things clearly, not skipping any steps (we leave it up to you to skip steps when you feel you’re ready) and including more examples to make things more clear. Terms of Use: Students: For learners, feel free to use the materials online or download them for yourself. These materials are meant for you. These materials are intended to be free for people who want to learn. You cannot use these materials for any direct or indirect commercial purposes without our expressed written permission. Teachers: For educators, use the materials freely in your classroom or for personal tutoring. For anyone who wants to distribute or present the materials in a public setting, either physically or digitally, you must give attribution to Education Lift. Public setting examples include but are not limited to websites, public presentations or speaking engagements, research or white papers, newspapers, magazines, books, videos, etc. Commercial: No one is permitted to use these materials for commercial purposes without permission from Education Lift.