Living The Online Campus - June 26, 2022 - Fight For It

Living The Online Campus - June 26, 2022 - Fight For It

Good Morning! We are so excited that you are joining us today as we start our Summer Speaker Series. Title; Fight For It Scriptures: 2 Kings 2:1-10 (NASB) What makes us who we are? Are we the product of our nature? Are we the product of our nurture? First time joining us? We want to connect with you. Text LTWC to 618-238-2848 Did you just pray the prayer of salvation? We’d like to celebrate with you! Let us know! Click Here! Need someone to talk to? You can submit your prayer request at Want to keep up will all the news here at LTWC, Click here to signup for our newsletter on our website Pastor Napoleon Mond is from Gunnison Mississippi. He is a U.S. Army veteran. He is an IT Systems Administrator Analyst and Publisher. His educational career began at Richland Community College where he earned a Dual Associates of Applied Science degree in Business Management as well as Marketing. Pastor Mond then went on to obtain his Bachelor of Science Degree in Management and Organizational Leadership from Millikin University and currently attends UMSL in pursuit his Masters in Information Systems. Pastor Mond was saved at a young age and called into the ministry June of 2001, preaching his initial sermon; since being licensed and ordained. He has served as a Youth Minister/Director, New Members Course Instructor and Holistic Ministry Director. He was also active as a Bible Institute Instructor and Director. He earned a Master of Divinity degree in 2008. He has an irrefutable anointing on his life as a student and expository deliverer of the Word of God.