![Women in Agriculture Around The World [AP Human Geography Unit 5 Topic 12] (5.12)](https://krtube.net/image/KjPEEzQlgJw.webp)
Women in Agriculture Around The World [AP Human Geography Unit 5 Topic 12] (5.12)
Need help reviewing for AP HUG?! Check out the AP Human Geography Ultimate Review Packet! A Packet made by Mr. Sinn to help you succeed not only on the AP Test but in your class as well! https://www.ultimatereviewpacket.com/... Join this channel to get access to perks: / @mrsinn Follow Mr. Sinn Discord Server: / discord Twitter: / mrsinn_channel Instagram: / iammrsinn Facebook: / iammrsinn Subscribe and hit the bell to see a new videos. Subscribe here ►https://goo.gl/7sNYbR Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:10 Unit 5 Summary Video 0:53 Women in LDCs (Periphery Countries) 1:10 Countries & Development 1:42 Gender Roles 2:16 Development & Equal Rights 2:41 Practice Quiz Skills in this video: IMP-5.C Explain geographic variations in female roles in food production and consumption IMP-5.C.1 The role of females in food production, distribution, and consumption varies in many places depending on the type of production involved. #APHG #APHUG #APHG5