6월 3일(목) 오전에 미국 파트너사로부터 갑작스럽게 휴스톤 행 10톤의 항공수출화물(반도체장비)의 운송 의뢰를 받고, 어제 항공부킹, 공항으로의 무진동 운송, 수출통관 완료, 해외고객과의 커뮤니케이션하느라 오늘 새벽 3시 30분에 퇴근했니다. 오늘밤과 내일밤에 항공화물은 휴스턴으로 출발합니다. 이것은 즐거운 화물이고 경험이었습니다. In the morning of June 3 I got an request from an American agent saying that we would pick up freight (semiconductor equipment) yesterday afternoon. So I had to concentrate all of my attention on booking cargo space, transporting freight to Incheon Int'l Airport Cargo Terminal by air ride trucks, export customs clearance and communication with the US agent all day long. It will be flying to Houston tonight and tomorrow night. I left my office at 3:30 this morning. It was really hectic and it was a joyful and great experience. Specialized Logistics Service for You #반도체장비운송 #Shipping #semiconductor #코리아지엘에스 #포워딩 #수출입물류 #수출입운송 #수출입화물 #해상운송 #항공운송 #선적 #수출 #수입 #항공수출운송 #항공수출물류 #수출목재포장 #보관 #컨테이너보관 #koreagls #FreightForwarding #Ocean #Air #Export #Import #Shipping #logistics #storage